How Can I Get Rid of My Stuff? — List of Garbage, Recycling, and Disposal options in Whatcom County

Alana Mey, Best Compass Agent Bellingham

Okay, you’ve looked EVERYWHERE to donate each moving piece, you even checked out my Where to Donate in Bellingham blog and alas, this stuff just has to be disposed – and disposed of safely! Keeping Bellingham beautiful and clean is so important and in this blog post, I’ll share with you the plethora of options available to you as you move, downsize, age-in-place, and more!

First: There is an awesome tool provided by Whatcom County and ReCollect called WasteWise by Whatcom County which is an online waste and recycling portal! Type the name of a waste item and it’ll tell you how to recycle or dispose of it. I highly recommend checking it out if you have something super specific you need to dispose of safely.

Otherwise, here is what I discovered for the most popular items we try to dispose of when moving or cleaning out the house:

Dispose of Corrugated Cardboard in Bellingham:

Staged Bedroom in Bellingham. Alana Mey, Best Realtor in Bellingham
Clean and staged kitchen in a house. Alana Mey, Compass Real Estate Agent and Realtor in Bellingham, WA

Dispose of Household Toxic Waste:

Think oils, fuels, cleaners, law care chemicals, fluorescent lamps, and oil-based paints and paint products. It is FREE to dispose of these at the Disposal of Toxics Facility:

Disposals of Toxics Facility

3505 Airport Drive, Bellingham
Monday – Friday, 9 am - 4 pm
First Saturday of each month, 9 am - 4 pm

Landfills in Whatcom County:

There are no open landfills in Whatcom County, but you can haul garbage and recycling yourself to a transfer station or drop-box locations: 

I hope this long list of where to dispose of things in Whatcom County was helpful! If you’re just doing some preliminary research as you begin mulling over the idea of moving or selling your home, give me a call! I may have other resources that come to mind if you’re still not finding what you’re looking for or feeling overwhelmed. I have a network of home Organizers, Senior Help and Smooth Transition people I can connect you or a family member with.

Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you for reading!

Alāna Mey

I’m a local Realtor at Compass Real Estate in Bellingham, WA. Serving my buyers and sellers since 2015 and thriving in my PNW Lifestyle with my husband, children and dogs!

Text / Call: 360-421-0733


Where do I Donate my Mattress?! – And More in Bellingham, WA


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